Tinnitus like pain, is subjective. The severity of tinnitus and how it affects one’s life is largely influenced by the individual’s reaction to the tinnitus. Many tinnitus sufferers report interference with sleep, concentration or attention to detail. Some are depressed and anxious and may report additional problems at work or at home. Many people with tinnitus also suffer from hyperacusis, an inability to tolerate even moderate-level sounds. Most patients report a relationship between tinnitus and stress. The onset of tinnitus often coincides with a change (emotional, physical, or social) in one’s life situation. Tinnitus might have both a physiological and psychological component.
Tinnitus may be symptom of a treatable disease, it is important to try to identify and resolve
a cause before deciding on the management approach. A variety of tinnitus management
procedures are available.
A trained professional will attempt to help the patient to deal with the stress, distress, and
distraction associated with tinnitus.
Majority of tinnitus sufferers also have hearing loss. Amplification is among the most
effective tools for providing relief from tinnitus. Hearing aids may help by amplifying speech
and background sounds that reduce the loudness of the tinnitus or even mask it.
The use of an externally produced sound to cover up, inhibit, or alter production of tinnitus can offer relief for some tinnitus sufferers. There are several methods of providing masking, including tinnitus maskers, tinnitus instruments, tabletop bedside sound generators, or hearing aids. Recordings that provide various Sounds (like sound of fan, ocean sound, rain sounds, stream sounds) & Music also may help mask tinnitus. These can be used with either speakers or headphones.
Some antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications address the problems associated with tinnitus and have proven helpful for certain patients. Always consult your physician concerning any drug or combination of medications you may be considering. Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) TRT is a form of habituation therapy designed to help people who suffer from tinnitus. TRT uses counseling to explain to the patient how a combination of tinnitus retraining and sound enrichment can end their negative reaction to the tinnitus sound, and then reduce their perception of it.
In some cases, green laser therapy demonstrated benefit in reducing tinnitus.
Stress Management: Relaxation
Support: Emotional support to patient
Consult an audiologist to help evaluate tinnitus and develop your management program.
Consult a physician, preferably ENT (ear, nose, and throat specialist), to determine if your tinnitus is related to a condition that requires medical or surgical treatment.
Educate yourself about the nature of tinnitus and methods for managing and relieving your associated problems (anxiety, depression, sleep deprivation, etc.).